Carry the Divine Principle book always with you

Carry the Divine Principle book always with you

"How should we study Divine Principle? Self-study is the only way to study. Don't expect anybody to teach you. Learn by yourself. You have to learn yourself before you can answer either the difficult or easy questions other people are going to ask you. If you don't study, learn and memorize, you won't be able to answer... So we don't get any results whatsoever from witnessing... we have to equip ourselves to be able to teach others. We have to learn ourselves. The only way is through studying the book." Father, 921206

In the previous discussion about the Divine Principle we discussed THE SIN OF NOT STUDYING THE PRINCIPLE. But let us now focus on the benefits of carrying with you and reading the book when you need spiritual power or are in search of answers. 

Father said:

"The biggest advantage to carry the Divine Principle book with you wherever you are is that if you feel low spiritually and are in need of spiritual help, then you can immediately refer to the Divine Principle book. You can read it and immediately regain spiritual momentum.

If you are to read twenty or thirty pages of the Divine Principle black book each day continuously, then your level of spirituality would go up and continue to rise daily." Rev. Sun Myung Moon

"Do not make the Divine Principle too easy to understand! Religions developed because their sacred teachings are difficult. 

You must pray to get an answer about this content; with this guidance the UC will develop greatly. There have to be unknown things to make you develop through prayer and investing you sincerity." Rev. Sun Myung Moon

How many times you have read the Divine Principle book. "No wonder you are not powerful," if you didn't read it 100 times and memorize it, Father said. "It should become a part of yourself. Unless you become like that, you are a phony... you think you are something, but you are not." 

"Father doubts how many times you have read the Divine Principle book. We must read Divine Principle like we eat food. That often, that much. The average member joined the Unification Church and went through two, seven, twenty-one day, and forty day training one time in his church life, and never heard lectures, other than that. That's not it. That's not good at all. You must study much more frequently than that. Father is asking how many times you have read the Divine Principle book. No wonder you are not powerful. Mr. Kamiyama is a good example. He almost memorized the book. He can almost recite it by heart. Father asked him how many times he had read Divine Principle. "Over one hundred times," was his answer. It should become a part of yourself. Unless you become like that, you are a phony. In other words, you think you are something, but you are not." Father, 921206

The Words in this Book will Transform the World

The essence of the Principle is True Love and the Culture of Heart:

"The tradition of Unification Church is Divine Principle. Of course, the Divine principle book itself is not our tradition, the tradition is represented by Divine Principle that is everything that is behind the Divine Principle book, which is heart." Father, 911229

We search for prepared people who will be inspired by the Principle:

"Under the light of the new truth, all those who have struggled over the long course of history to dispel the darkness of ignorance will gather. They will form one great family. Since the purpose of truth is to realize goodness, and since God is the origin of goodness, God will be the center of the world founded upon this truth. Everyone will adore and serve God as their Parent and live in harmony with each other in brotherly love." 

The Divine Principle is the complete Truth that answers all questions:

"The new truth must answer these and other questions which have pained and troubled the minds of profound thinkers throughout the ages."
"The new truth must offer answers to all of these deeper questions of life. When the answers are made clear, it will not be possible to deny... the new truth should be able to elucidate many difficult issues... souls who had been groping in the darkness are receiving the light of this new truth and are being reborn."

The Power of the Truth

Being able to separate good and evil in your own thoughts can give you amazing power, and free God to work

"The Divine Principle... is overriding, all-law. If we study the Divine Principle, we can solve everything. Nothing is too complicated to be solved by the Divine Principle. Looking through the glass of the Divine Principle, all the complicated situations of the satanic world will become simple and clear. The same is true for all the problems within the heavenly world. Through the Divine Principle, we can solve everything." Father, 871121

QUESTION: The Principle states that a person who is in the midway position cannot be claimed by Satan if he has done nothing wrong. Yet, another passage says that if a person does not separate good and evil, a condition for Satan to invade is created. 

Good point! Exactly that's the way I see it spiritually. Not separating good and evil, automatically sets God and the good spirit world in difficult position to work with the person. So, it is a condition for Satan. However, a condition to continue working with this person, not a condition to take him completely on his side.

Exactly this is the situation of the ancestors in the Middle spirit world. Dr. Lee explains how Evil Angels form Hell come and inspire them to escape their suffering by going to revenge. So they come and harm their own descendants, because they are incapable to distinguish good/evil correctly. Their concepts are relative-humanistic, not corresponding to God's truth.

I remember first time reading in DP that we should separate good and evil in each moment, even in our thoughts. I experienced practically how that works in FR.  I realized that I have to separate thoughts and ideas that come from what Satan wants. I focused and accepted only what God wants. That worked out miracles. Things that seem impossible. Why? Because that cut off the power of Satan and allowed God to work. Read also of my personal EXPERIENCE WITH JESUS AND THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST

 The Word unlocks our DNA original potential

A study showed that the Word unlocks our DNA original potential. There are 6 groups of DNA to be unlocked. The first 3 correspond with unlocking the potential of our Physical Mind. The other 3 are connected with unlocking the potential of our Spirit Mind: the ability to sense the Truth, and the ability to love and bring Peace. See, DNA - Antenna to the Spirit

DP transforms our mind. Each new information creates Neurological connections in our Brain. Incorrect Neuro Paths can become prison for our Spirit. But the principle allows our spirit to be liberated of that prison. ON TEACHING THE DIVINE PRINCIPLE

Reading the Principle end to end, numerous times, unlocks the potential of your Physical Mind and you Spiritual Mind. Your Physical Mind gets re-programed to start accepting the guidance of your Spirit self. Only when this neurological re-alighnment is done, God can now stat relating freely with you. That happens when your Heart Resonance reaches above 400 tHz. That's the stage, where DP explains, you start to obtain Life Elements from God freely. Read more...
Levels of understanding the Truth:
  1.  Logical Understanding (Formation Stage)
  2.  Know the Applications - what's right and wrong (Growth Stage)
  3.  Embody, Incarnate, Live by it (Completion Stage)
We start with low physical mind understanding (educating our physical mind) and pass through the growth stage with practice and prayer, until our spiritual mind matures to give you spiritual understanding of the Truth. At that stage, as a divine spirit, you will know any truth you ask God about.

“When.. the spirit man becomes a divine spirit.. the spirit man can feel and perceive everything in the invisible world. Since all the spiritual phenomena thus perceived by the spirit man are reflected and echoed in the physical man, presenting themselves as physical phenomena, man finally comes to feel spiritual phenomena even with his five physical senses.” DP 62: Structure of the Spirit Man


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