On Teaching the Principle
"If you learn the Principle just by listening to lectures, it is difficult for you to convey your understanding at home or other places... If you try to lecture from bare memory," Father explained, "there will be no spiritual connection."
This explanation is included in the booklet for teaching the red part of the Principle. With this Father clarifies why it is difficult for many members to witness and why watered down with other things lectures cannot bring spiritual revival and resurrection within the guests. The book is the real teacher, he said. And stressed, how vitally important for us is to learn the Truth using the actual text and live accordingly. See,
"The lifeline of our members is to live according to God's word," Father said. "If you stay in the dark, that is like being robbed; the leader should be punished for it."
In Father's explanation, if leaders don't teach us clearly the principle way, "such leaders are criminals". He explains, that not teaching the Principle to our members will deprive them of growing spiritually, so it is a big sin.
"The leader should always speak God's word. Those who cannot do so cannot develop.," Father said, "Instead of speaking your own words, you should all speak in accordance with the original content, and the audience will be inspired."
You cannot believe how much the sin, of depriving our members from Principle understanding, can allow evil spirits to take over our church and paralyze us. For example, in some extreme cases, the leaders themselves forbid to explain Principle things on Sunday Service. Instead they just teach shallow Bible stories. How can that inspire those prepared by Heaven to join?
If we don't know it well, and are not inspired by and proud of the Principle and Father's Words; if we are not full with enthusiasm about our beliefs, how can we Witness? How can such leaders raise the members and the second generation? Because of their own ignorance they become hinderance and un instrument for the low spirits to block the congregation. Do you think good ancestors will send their descendants in such environment?
Give lectures completely centering on the book
"Give lectures completely centering on the book," Father instructed, "no need to sermonize. Do not use the Bible to talk about other things."
What happens when learning to lecture the Principle we use some simplified baby level lectures? By repeating numerous times strong neurological connections are created that become so dominant and will later prevent the you to understand the real concepts of the Divine Principle. Such lecturers Father explained, get stuck and cannot progress. Even after many years they still teach the same limited way. And Father stressed that their lectures do not open the spiritual channel for resurrection of their audience. Instead, they just perpetuate some human, limited understanding, and even some deviations.
Here is scientifically what happens within you when you learn new information, to make you grasp why repeating numerous times something that is not exactly according to the text will have limited power and only create blockages.
Chart: Each new information creates Neurological connections in our Brain. Incorrect Neuro Paths can become prison for our Spirit.
Every time you
learn something new you make
new connections in your brain. That's what learning is. Learning is forging a new synaptic connections. You begin to leave imprints in your neurological tissue. The next thing is that you begin to
apply that information; to personalize it, to demonstrate it, and match them to your intentions and inner thoughts. And then you'll have a
new experience that further enriches the brain. Reorganizing more circuits. And if you can repeat that experience over and over again, you are going to neuro chemically condition your mind and body to begin to work as one. (
That's why Father instructed to start teaching based on the real text. First teach only the fundamentals - the Red part, that contains the definitions. Once your mind knows this core Principle structure it will be easy to expand to the green and blue colors, with deeper explanations. Now you can easier memorize them also, he explains. Only when you reach that level of complete knowledge of DP you can gain the freedom to start interconnecting different parts of the Principle, and thus reach amazing depth of understanding and level of teaching others.
"Give lectures through reading the Principle," Gill Ja Sa explained, "lecturers are discouraged from combining their own words into their lectures. In other words, we should speak according to the Words, and nothing else. We can easily find Father’s Words regarding certain points in the Principle as we read the Principle through. We can engraft the Principle in people’s hearts if we add Father’s Words just a little in the Principle, and anyone will be able to accept the Principle."
Why is so important to study and teach according to the original text?
As we saw from Father's, Heungs Jin's and Jesus' explanations, studying the Principle should not be done in the way that leads our Physical Mind to become Subject. Just the opposite, Father was teaching exactly how to avoid that and study in the way that allows our Spirit Mind to be liberated. When our Spirit Mind restores it's proper position as the Subject of the Physical Mind, our Original Nature is liberated and God can work freely through us.
We should not have leaders who openly say, "Oh, I don't know DP much," or "Teaching DP is not that important." This is a basic qualification. Such people should never be lecturers or leaders. This is dangerous, for such leaders will go into humanistic philosophizing, deviating in many ways from what's Principle. By openly displaying their ignorance of DP, they are teaching the members that DP is not important to know. The fact that they did not spend the time to learn the fundamentals of the Principle even subconsciously will lead them to make members not regard it as important to learn deeper.
Instead of always connecting their sermons to what's Principle and God's view on things, they will just teach unrelated humanistic stuff. They may spread many satanic ideologies in our own movement. That can create many divisions in the future, Father told us! Such lectures are dangerous. They can become instrument for evil spirits to invade, without any conscious awareness of that. That's why Father said. if we are not educated well in the Principle by our leaders and thus "kept in the dark, that is like being robbed; the leader should be punished for it."
"If you are ignorant, you may be able to follow directions for one, two, or three years, but can this continue for ten or a hundred years? Before three years go by, you will all lose hope and become discouraged. Your standard will gradually decline." Father
Think of the effect on second generation leaders, if the first generation didn't properly understand and teach the our core Principles and beliefs. Can you be surprised, that later, other leaders under them were attacking their members for studying or discussing the Principle? Strange! Not that much. When you understand how much the satanic spirit world is mobilized to trick us in such deviations. I see spiritually, so I know how many manipulative tricks they can use. You have to know that the spirit world is very real and involved constantly in everything we do.
Create Heavenly Environment and Spiritual Connection
Can we expect the good spirit world to send their descendants to join if there is no proper environment for spiritual growth? Good ancestors don't want their descendant join and be suffocated. They will not send them to listen to the Bible or other humanistic, nice sounding things. They will send them only if there is a higher Heavenly environment where they can learn the Principle way and grow spiritually.
HEUNG JIN NIM: "Spiritual growth can take place now. You just have to learn the secrets of bringing a heavenly environment around you... We come... to help you... Anything we can do from the spiritual realm, we will do."
Heung Jin once explained that to gain deeper understanding of how the Principle works we need 20 to 30 spiritual experiences in a month, which they could easily give us, if we really yearn to understand. We can ask for help to get deeper understanding of the way Principle works.
"In your prayer from this time on you can command the spirit world... You can insist that your ancestors in the spirit world must come down to cooperate with their descendants and bring them into salvation... The sons of Adam have the authority to command those in the spirit world and they must obey you."
We should be strong in the truth to be able to mobilize the good spirit world and resist low spiritual manipulation. If we lack this foundation of faith, we are easy prey for the low spirits.
Fallen Nature urge to Compromise and not Teach the Principle
"Father had given the direction to not teach with our personal explanations, obstructing the real depth of the Principle." Gil Ja Sa
Our Fallen Nature can easily make us compromise with what Satan wants. We falsely presume that watered lectures, Bible stories, or other outside humanistic philosophies, are more appropriate for guests. But is that God's viewpoint, or Satan's viewpoint? Be sure prepared guests will not be inspired by that. Be sure Heaven will not support such lectures. The good ancestors will even protect their descendants from coming. Then we wonder why witnessing is not effective.
I saw leaders whose humanistic motivation was, that if we study DP we will argue because we don't understand it in the same way. So, instead of educating the members, he focused on preventing the members discussing DP. How tricky evil spirits are! They make you accept Satan's viewpoint.
Look at this situation from God's view point, "Oh, how wonderful chance for all of us to learn deeper, while discussing DP, because we have different views and depth of understanding, we can enrich ourselves." Amazing! My members were always inspired. Why? Because I was fascinated by DP and Father's words. Because Heung Jin and Jesus were constantly giving me amazing experiences of how DP works.
Always look from the Internal, Spiritual perspective, not from external, horizontal perspective influenced by fear and doubts, which only shows that our own spiritual level is very low. See, where 'fear' and 'doubt' are in the Chart of
Mother's Urgent Heart to Educate the World
"The Completed Testament Age, when the word is being spread to all the people on earth."
How to spread the word quickly to all people? We cannot witness and educate the outside world if we are not inspired and proud of our teachings. And yet, on our last regional discussion, several former leaders stood up vigorously objecting to even mention, or quote TP or our Teachings on Sunday Service. "We are not worshiping individuals," one argued. "Sunday service should be no longer than 10 min," he said. Meaning, no education should be given. And the members are so cooked with these humanistic, low, satanic, concepts, that no one even objected that nonsense.
Can we educate the world with such invaded by Satan thinking? Can we realize how low is the spiritual level of such members? Shall we accept and follow their ignorant comments?
Think of how would True Mother feel to see the miserable spiritual level of those leaders. Do you think, she will give a permission for such things. Are not our leaders supposed to represent TP and not only follow, but help us to understand and follow their teachings and directions?
Didn't True Mother stress recently, just what Father explained, that we should focus on teaching the fundamentals of DP, not some other long explanations, and not lengthy Bible restoration stories; Instead focus on the core Principles of building God's Ideal in our everyday life?
I saw some young STF leaders, arguing that studying DP will deviate us from our mission. What!!! This is our mission, to learn to practice the Principle way, not some ways devised by ourselves, based on experiences from the satanic past. No, only DP can give us the way to cut off with our wrong ways.
"If you read the book, there will be no retreat. Try reading it just ten times, and you will be filled with confidence. The center of your lecture should be the book. The book is the teacher." Father
Now you can Mobilize the Spirit World
"Now your ancestors can come down freely on the highway between the spirit world and the physical world. Our ancestors in the spirit world are our allies and will help us witness to others. They will come down in an unprecedented avalanche, like Niagara Falls. They will pressure their descendants, "You must become a champion. Go out and witness. You must do more." They will not only come down to you, but to their descendants who are not yet members, directing them to go to a workshop, or to meet a person from the Unification Church. This phenomenon will happen increasingly." Father, Mobilizing the Spirit World
But what if we don't know to teach the Principle? Will they send them if we are afraid to teach Principle? If we are not inspired, and instead teaching only other humanistic things? Will Heaven send us people if we are in that ignorant position?
"Train yourself to speak succinctly with the diagramed manual.. Otherwise... cannot handle the many people who will soon swarm at the door... Instead of speaking your own words, you should all speak in accordance with the original content, and the audience will be inspired in the same standard way." Father, Diagramed Lecture Manual
We discover how the Principles Work, only when PracticingSome said, "Oh, I want to find the way by myself." Really!!! For thousands of years, people were searching the way and bringing only more misery. "Although many fallen
men have tried to free themselves from the influence of Satan, none have been
able to succeed completely because of their fallen nature."
True Parents are the victorious model. Only the Messiah could find the way. Don't space out. You will never find it yourself because we have many low ancestors and hooks for Satan to drag us away. Since we don't really understand the deep meaning of the Principle, we should not just teach with our own words. The only hope for salvation is the Truth revealed and embodied by the True Parents.
"Learn it by heart," Father said, " This will give you a hundred times greater advantage than giving lectures by bare memory. Lecturing from bare memory will have no spiritual connection. You may start talking about everything under the sun, and even after ten years, you may still be without confidence."
I could give you many examples, of the consequences of our ignorance. I see so many members who openly go against Father's words and they are ready to give you numerous arguments why they are right, but what Father said is wrong. Do you think they realize what they are doing? No! Their physical mind is so controlled by low spirits, that it constantly goes against even their own spirit mind. The wrong concepts are so strong neurological connections in their brain, that their spirit is absolutely blocked by them, cycling more and more unprinciple thoughts and conclusions based on that.
As a result, if they hear the correct spiritual perspective, their physical mind automatically rejects it and goes against. The more they cycle that in their own thoughts, the more arguments the evil spirits will give them, why they are correct. At the end, they become a powerful instrument for Satan, constantly investing to multiply that same unprinciple concepts in the minds of everyone around. Evil spirits will use them to attack those who's spirit mind is Subject. It recognizes them as enemy, same like it treats it's own spirit mind as enemy.
How the Fallen Nature Works?
(1) Not seeing God's viewpoint, leads to
(2) Leaving the proper Principle position; which results in
(3) Reversing dominion in many possible ways; And finally,
(4) Start Multiplying that Evil
Why Father said that Humanism is our biggest enemy? Why is Humanism/Relativism expression of Satan's ideology? Humanism reverses dominion on all possible ways (like - S/O, Internal/External, Husband/Wife, Parent/Child), and makes philosophical excuses of why this Satanic way is better. In our ignorance many of our members are misled by the nice sound of these philosophies. They fail to recognize how these reversals allow the evil spirit world to work freely in their own life.
But once we started conditions of reading DP, beginning to end, as Father directed, they began to change. Before that they were quick to reject the Principle way for many situations. But afterwards, when I told them how the Principle works in that particular case, they were excited, "Oh, yes, I was just reading about this the other day in DP."
The Good Spirit World Cannot Work Out of the Principle
"The laws of the spiritual world must always be obeyed; we cannot disobey them. The high realms of the spiritual world cannot go against the Principle. So you must study the Principle, because through the Principle you can learn the laws of the spiritual world, and by applying those laws through your prayers, you can gain the most power, the most effectiveness." Heung Jin, On Prayer
It is very painful to observe how the reversal of dominion allows evil spirits to work freely. God and the good spirit world are standing aside unable to intervene in that unprinciple standing of the person. I feel their pain and that's so hard for me. If only the could understand the Principle and stand in the position where God can work.
As Heung Jin Nim explained from the spirit world, the good spirit world has so much power, but it cannot be unleashed unless we are in the correct Principle position. Only learning the Principle deeply, can give us the power to dominate the Spiritual World. Only the Principle can help us clearly separate good from evil. Only the Truth can help us build God's Ideal.
Thank you ❤️🎎🙏