The Occult Satanic Origins of Communism

The Occult Origins of Communism

The Demonic Spiritual power behind and the hidden connections between the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the radical ideology of Marxist-Communism

CIG News / April. 2024 / Part 2 of 3

This article was addition to the report, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARDupdating you of the newest providential events. It's being separated in 3 parts: Part 1 examines their recent IA Warfare agenda; Part 3 gives details in why are the Elites being systematically killed now.

Communism spawned wars, famines, mass murders, and repressive policies. But why is the communism so hostile to human nature, human values ​​and dignity? 

Video: Knowing the key role of Rev. Moon in ending Communism, here is important documentary depicting the "Subversive Origins of Communism" and the hidden connections between the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the radical ideology of Communism. See, Dr.Moon's role in the Downfall of Communism

Reverend Moon recognized the necessity of an critical response to Marxism, explaining that, "In a state of ignorance, people have no real defense against this Evil ideology." Based on his guidance Dr. Lee developed the most extensive ideological critique and contraproposal to Marxism-Leninism. Yet, at the time was difficult to expose the deep Satanic origins of this ideology, and why the false-political Jews, the Jesuits and Masons were a central driving force behind these bloody revolutions and the establishment of such inhumane Totalitarian Regimes. See, Sun Myung Moon and the End of Soviet Communism

So, before starting, let us first clarify that those in the public eye, for all their untold wealth and power, are not the most "powerful" and influential, as they are also controlled and under the direct rule of the secret world government, or, as it is also called the deep state, and at the top of this pyramid are evil other-dimentional spiritual powers. 

"It is this invisible but very powerful structure consisting of the highest caste draco-reptilians who are actually the 'strong of this world', Father Absolute wrote." (Draco-raptilians is a term used for Satanic Demons in human form.)

Why man has fallen prey to low-vibrational beings who are at a much lower level of development than he is. If people are characterized by empathy and, therefore, selfless spiritual impulses, then these reptiles (physical mind people controlled by evil spiritual forces) are absolutely devoid of them. They lack empathy and are therefore capable of unimaginable meanness and deceit. 

As Dr. Lee wrote, "Human beings do not know the angelic world. Their systems and organizations are much more complex than we can ever imagine." Such is also the corresponding multi-layer structure of control the fallen angels have developed on earth under Lucifer. In Part 3 we will explain how and why this earthly system is now collapsing.

Fundamentally, all of these global leaders were taking orders from Lucifer

On top of them, of course was Lucifer with his Demonic Generals. Lucifer's plans and directions were conveyed strictly through the hierarchy of this pyramid. The lower structures were getting smaller and smaller portion of the Plan, thus everything was kept very compartmentalized. Whereas, the lowest parts were divided into different kinds of conflicting, fighting each other groups (Left/Right, Black/White, Muslims/Christians, etc.) 

The more divisions and antagonism, the less power to unite and achieve anything against these Evil Muster's will. In addition, each conflict or war, was kept to be equally split. When the forces on each side are close to 50/50%, with money it is easy to slay the result in any direction they want. Plus, this way there was no danger of any of the side winning on their own and getting out of the control system.

In this regard, you have to understand that all conflicts and wars were artificially created. They used the media to pump up different groups with different information for at least 10 years or more, to prepare the stage. 

Pre-genocide is the period in which the prerequisites for its execution are being prepared.

Then they would artificially send prepared groups to start the war with false flag operations. Then they will use the media to make the whole movie about the war. Their aim was to have as many as possible be killed on both sides, and us much more suffering as possible be imposed on humanity. The more horrific things humans would do to each other, the more spiritual damage on their soles, the more citizens of Hell, the more controlling power for these Demons. 

Now that we know the hidden spiritual control from behind, let us take a look at some of the main players visible in the public eye. Wherever you turn in today's world at the top levels of Banks, Media, Pharmacy, CEOs of most Corporations, you will find to be Jews. Not genetic descend, but pretend Jews, or Khazarian-Jews, who in fact are historically well documented for their practice of Satanism. But if you go down in the different lower social structures, organizations and faith groups, you will find Masons to be everywhere in top positions. Their secrecy does not make it easy to be aware of that, but that's the whole purpose, isn't it. But there is plenty of research and facts about that too. 

The hidden connections between the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the radical ideology of Communism

Jewish scholars themselves admit "the continuum that existed between Jewish-born heretics, followers of the false Messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and his successors, the radical practitioners of the Sabbatian Cult called the Frankists (named after their founder, Jacob Frank (1726-1791), the Jacobins." 

Marx was not only a Khazarian Jew, but was Rothschild agent given the mission to infiltrate the communist movement. Most of the writings were not by him, but were given to him. 

This all was just a systematic implementation of Jacob Frank's idea of world Communization and direct role in the French and later the Red Revolution. (See, THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN) These False Jews had a notorious record of despicable evil practices in the last 1000 years. As Fulford noted:

"The Satanic Khazarian Mafia and their Jewish slaves have been banished from over a hundred places over the years, among other things, because of their practice of abducting and torturing children to death in ritual sacrifices." Which pushed their satanic practices more and more into secrecy.

The Synagogue of Satan pretending to be Jews 

Ashkenazi Khazarian (referred to as Fake Jews) and Roman Papal Bloodline Family Names form the so called 13 Illuminati Bloodlines that practiced Satanism, pedophilia and Ritual Child Sacrifices for hundreds of years. 

Video: The Synagogue of Satan behind the world wars and corruption, and the British – Jewish Zionist NWO. How Rothschild persecuted the Jews, used usury, causing enormous suffering? How from 1820 it was the age of the Rothschilds and they were the only one power in Europe, becoming the lords of the world? How they created the Anti-defamation  league with the purpose of identifying anyone who questions or challenges their unlawful actions? 

1913: With the  signing of the Federal Reserve act the invisible government of the monetary power was legalized. Private Bankers now owned the government and the print of money. 

1914: WWI started. Control of printing money allowed them to pay for the fulfilment of their plan of 3 world wars. Control of Media allowed them to manipulate people into war.

1915: Turkish government was overthrown by Masonic Jewish Socialists, calling themselves Young-Turks. The offshoot of that was the Jewish led genocide of 2 million Christian Armenians. 

1917: Rothschild sponsored the Red Revolution in Russia and ordered the King's family killed for not accepting their Central Banking system. The state was now owned by Rothschilds Family and administered by Khazarian-Jews. The Commissars of the new Russian government consisted of only 13 Russians. More than 300 were Jews. 260 of these Jews came to Russia from the US. 

How was the Revolution made? Groups of Jewish spies were given Russian names and send to insight riots and rebellion. Lenin and Trotsky were among them. These Jewish, Rothschilds funded Bolsheviks, slaughtered more than 60 million Christians. The Jews created and administered the organized Soviet Concentration Camps system - 'the greatest killing machine in the world." 

Why was this a main Communist idea: Abolishment of the private property so the Jewish rulers can make use of the resources of the state. Thus would the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which the Jews would have all the property in the world in their hands.      

I grew in Communism - we all knew that the top communists were all Jews; Marx, Lenin, Stalin and majority of the Parliament. My country history is very connected with the History of Khazaria exactly at the time when they accepted Judaism as their religion. Yes, it took few hundred years until they took over the western Banking, but most of the facts of how that happen are also known and well documented. What is important to understand is that they are the real enemies of the actual genetic Jews, and they always were.

Video: Gen. Patton couldn't understand why they gave East Europe to SSSR. He was killed.

These False Jews are the Real Antisemites   

Next, these Jewish Banksters started pumping up money in Germany, in preparation for the WWII. 30 billion were given through the Federal Reserve Board. The Nazis and Jews, in Palestine, collaborated for the next 7 years, because essentially they wanted the same thing. The Jews in Palestine wanted all Jews transferred to Palestine, and the Nazis wanted all Jews out of Germany. Both sides signed a 'transfer agreement' which permitted the transfer of Jews and all their capital to Palestine. 

Most Jews left Germany before even the WWII started. Only about 202 thousand jews were left in Germany. Many of them elderly. 

Curiously, Rothschild's chemical and steel company increased production to almost inclusively arm Germany for WWII. This company used the free slave labor in the Concentration Camps. That was the company producing the gas, that allegedly was used to exterminate Jews. 

With the Cold War they could expand their Secret Agencies and invisible machine of control - the Deep State. CIA and alike were created to maintain and expand their Central Banking slavery system. (Video)

See this short Video to realize we are being governed and manipulated by an Occult. And this Occult has something to do with printing the Money. And it does not tolerate those who want to take them that Lucifer-given right. 

The Financial Backing by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty

(13:53The control factors of planet earth are: Financial Control Systems; Political Control Systems; Media Control Systems; Intelligence Control Systems; and Military. These are the ones they focus on, when they want to control the world. 

However, the constant control over them would have been impossible without the unlimited supply of money, for that end. More detailed structure of the Financial System under Lucifer you can find in the article, The True Meaning of the Messiah

Due to the external debt, "each country is de facto owned by the IMF and the World Bank." Thus, in reality, your politicians are only showmen, obligated to follow the script they are given from these private bankers, wHO rULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER.

As Father Moon told us in Belvedere of the Importance to reveal who sank Titanic, now the truth is out. In 2012 they sank it to kill 3 of the richest Americans who opposed the creation of Fed. In 2013 Federal Reserve was created secretly without opposition. Now they could print money from nothing - needed to sponsor the World Wars which they have planned long before. Read also, Why Father Moon said it's important to know who killed Kennedy?

Fed Created the Money of Debt to Perpetuate Slavery

"Since 1913 when Federal Reserve Board was created, the US dollar has fallen by 96%. Because they create money out of nothing... they are stilling from everybody and giving to their own little group." Fulford (13:43)

The private banks owning the Federal Reserve are all connected to and controlled by the London Banking House, which ultimately controls the Federal Reserve Corporation. 

God created us as his children to live in abundance. But as Jessie put it, "the enemy wants to keep us in control, keep us in that bondage of believing that we have no access to wealth. That we have to work like dogs in order just to survive." While in fact there could be abundance for everyone, God's enemy has stollen everything from us:

Video: Federal Reserve Cartel is a Private Corporation destroying the prosperity. It's a system that creates and perpetuates debt and we all become burden by it, thus bringing destruction of our liberty and our freedoms. When you borrow, they create money out of thin air. So it's not money, it is debt. But now we have to pay more taxes to cover this debt. Most of our income tax will go straight for covering it. This is unconstitutional Cartel. This is a scheme. The value of the currency is declining, the more they print of it, thus prices go up. It's like coming and stealing the money from your wallet. They become richer and more powerful, while we become more disenfranchised. 

"Researchers estimate Rothschilds wealth at close to 500 trillion dollars - more than half of the wealth of the entire world." Rothschild Wealth

How did they use that wealth? Rothschild and his ancestors have hand-picked presidents, crashed stock markets, bankrupted nations, orchestrated wars and sponsored the mass murder and impoverishment of millions. 

Despite the fact that economy was booming in 1930, the Fed shortened the money supply, intentionally placing the country in depression, and Bankers took possession of hundreds of thousands of farms, stores, and homes. Millions of people lost their savings and were pushed into poverty. Wars were also a way to place any kind of taxations, privation, any kind of hardship without complaint. 

The Elites corruption system of KAZARIAN money through fake stolen Jewish identity... The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created the US financial corrupt system with JP Morgan and their powerful control over the military industrial complex, DARPA CIA and corrupt military intel networks, controlled large portion of the world bank institutions.
Used CIA to overthrow over 70 countries and install central banking systems and corrupt governments loyal to the Cabal agenda. Through military Deep State Operations they ratify all revolts, prisons, kill, torture, infiltrate movements that are against the CABAL Deep State Regime.

These Khazarian Jews not only infiltrated the Royal lineages, but also took over the Mafia. Remember the arrests of the Mafia bosses in the 80s. That's when the Jewish Satanists replaced them and took over the Italian Mafia. The same Satanist Bankers controlling the Fed, the money printing, and all Central Banks; who took over Israel, who are dominating the US politically, dominating the world media, and who are now trying to kill the real genetic descendants in Judea (the Palestinians). 

Look at Rothschild Israel: "We haven't seen this level of brutality against unarmed civilians since the Nazis entered East Europe." 

"There is 1.6 million Palestinian (Judeans) stuck in Raffa, being bombed every day. And no body is doing anything. Israel is a criminal regime - the personification and manifestation of evil. They don't even hide it anymore. Their Ministers are boasting on TV, how they are proud of killing Palestinian children."

The 'Explosion in hatred' against Jews - It's everywhere not just Britain. It's only going to get much worse from here too.

The attempt of these false Jews to use Ukraine to restore their Khazarian kingdom and subjugate Russia ended in defeat, according to Fulford. 

"There is a lot of evidence of large scale surrender of the Ukrainian Forces," Col. McGregor said. "In the last 24 hours, even the notorious battalions with all of these Nazi symbols, apparently refuse to fight. They told the government, 'we had it... we are not gonna die in great numbers any longer.'"

It seems the Cabal government in Israel, based on the myth that Jews were incompatible with fascism, is also on the way to collapse. With few rackets penetrating their defense, Iran demonstrated to them that if attempting to create a World War they will be defeated. 

From now on, it will be possible to reveal all the crimes committed by this small group on behalf of the CIA during the Cold War in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, writes French journalist Thierry Meysan.

Now we are clear that their global financial pyramid controls the world. (video) At the bottom of the pyramid you see different structures seemingly with good intentions or playing one against the other, yet, at the top of each of these pyramids (Banking, media, intelligence, governments) they are all part of the same organization, under no more than 13 families. 

Rabbi Isaac Wise: "Free Masonry is a Jewish establishment... secret signs, passwords... are Jewish from beginning to end. 

That's why secret organizations like the Masons, above the 33 degree are Satanists. There are13 degrees above held only by Illuminati. (see) "Their goal was always to abolish Christianity and overturn all civil government." Behind them is a substantial financial backing by the Rothschild Banking dynasty. 

Jew Bankers are only external players in this compartmentalized system

The Jews and Nazis are only actors in the external Theater played for us, the sheepl. You have to understand the way everything is compartmentalized on the surface, while all connected to these Satanic Nobility Bloodlines from behind:

"The Torlonia Family functions as Vatican Bankers and treasurers. Together with the Hohenzollern family of Germany they are the main owners and controllers of the Bank for International Settlements, founded and administered by the Nazis during World War II. The Torlonias are architects of fascism and the Hohenzollerns are architects of Nazism." (55:44)

So who controls this Jewish Mafia?

"The Black Nobility shares ownership over the Holy See, a corporate entity in Vatican established in 1929 under Mussolini, who was placed in power by the House of Savoy. They also owns the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, and the Kosa Nostra. The Italian Nobility, La Cosa Nostra and the German and Austrian Nobles, run the Jewish Mafia. Royals and nobles have massive amounts of wealth in Switzerland. They use the Nazi-founded Bank for International Settlements to steal wealth from central banks through fraudulent tax."  (58:21)

The reason why China is now on the board of the New World Order is because the Lee (Li) family is one of the Illuminati bloodlines. It was not by chance that Lee started the Opium poppy fields to produce drugs that will be marketed by the other Illuminati families. It was all a carefully calculated by the Illuminati who had made billions running drugs for centuries. Lees are essential part of the Chinese Secret Societies. One of the Lee family was dictator of Singapore for decades. That's why Singapore became the first cashless country as part of the NWO plan. 

THE CAIN LINEAGE: 13 Bloodlines
The Ideology of the 1% Ruling Bloodlines is Satanism

And what is the ideology of these 13 Illuminati families? Satanism! What is their objective? They are planning to build is a total global enslaving system of Communism and Fascism. Their objective, in their own words, is remove private property, eliminate marriage and family, teach our children free sex, homosexuality and transgender. If you check, not only your governments are forced to aligned with these goals, but the World Economic Forum, UN, EU and all other global institutions are firmly pushing the same agenda. Why? Because they are only front for these Black Nobility Satanic Bloodlines. 

These Bloodlines are Specially Groomed to be Sociopaths with no Conscience or Empathy

How evil are these people to add fluoride to all drinking water. The US government has finally admitted that fluoride lowers children's IQ and has many other toxic side effects. Only when you know that this ruling elites are Satanists you can grasp their evil agenda.

The reason to add fluoride to drinking water - it calcifies the pineal gland, that which connects us to the Creator. (See) They don't want us to go outside the mold," Mossad source says. (Video)

Did you ever consider the magnitude of this fact that the main Illuminati bloodlines number around 80 million born in this bloodline, raised to practice Satanism; That they are the elite governing every area of life on earth, the description of Lucifer being the 'god' and 'ruler' of this earth receives more substantial meaning. Watch this Documentary of the vastly spread influence and control of these satanic bloodlines.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are in fact from the Orsini Bloodline. 
We are OFFICIALLY SLAVES since 1302. AD (November 18), which is the publication date of the Papal Bull (postulate) written by Pope Boniface VIII. Еven today we live in a system created by the Roman Empire which never actually ended but continues as the Holy Roman Empire under the Pope. Until the Protestant Reformation and the 130 Years War, only the Church controlled money and caried Banking activity. The Jesuits and the Inquisition plaid the role of secret services imposing this system. They are at the core and control the Secret Service even to this day. Infiltration and manipulation is their way of keeping this slavery system of control, based on Babylonian magic, of making money from nothing. (1)

These Bloodlines oversee the various sectors of society

"These families are all enemies of humanity... conspired to enslave... They authorize and create corporations, billionaires, run religions, states, secret societies, the mafia, and organized crime syndicates."

"The main Italian lineages still active include the Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Torlonia, Aldobrandini, Ruspoli, Orsini, Gaetani-D'Aragona, Bourbon-Parma,Odescalchi, Borghese, Adragni,Chigi, Medici, Borromeo, Dria-Pamphilj, Sacchetti, Savoy, Grimaldi and Bourbon." (59:21)

Outside of this power structure is the Committee of 300 with an inner circle made up of the leading monarchs and princes of Europe and the former Holy Roman Empire with members from Windsor, Spencer, Cecil, Percy, Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Habsburg, Bonaparte, Orleans... and others.

All other groups likeBilderberg, CFR, and the Trilateral Commision are lower-level organizational control system. They are behind the World Economic Forum (front of the Bilderberg Group. WEF controlled the UN since 2019.

The Khazarian-Jew Mafia are only a Front

The Khazarian Jews are only a front for that system. Part of the bloodlines of generational Satanists. They are the owners of the Big-Pharma, profiting enormously from the Vaccination programs, while intentionally using them for the Illuminati Depopulation agenda. 

"First they give you an experimental vaccine that causes cancer, then they make a profit by charging you to treat cancer..." [Video]

Pfizer hopes to make $33.3 billion in revenue from excess cancers caused by the Covid vaccine. This dangerous DNA contamination done with the Covid Vax is just part of their bigger plan to remove Democracy and Justice. All part of their ideological subversion and manipulative propaganda program of psychological warfare. 

 URGENT ALERT                                          

Their Program of Infiltrating Media, Politics and Churches

Khazarian-jew Satanists together with the Masons and other agents, they infiltrate from inside everything not only to keep control but thus gradually acquiring everything good that others created under their Satanic umbrella.

After 400 years of Masonic control, the UK is officially the second most miserable country in the world with the lowest mental health. Isn't that a result of all the social secrecies and taboos, confining the healthy, normal human relationships. And what do we mean by secrecy? All scale spying, at work, at church, everywhere.

Why did the Satanic side put so much efforts to infiltrate and control all churches and all religions? Do you know how much money Christianity collects just in US? Over 400 billion dollars a year. With these money they could buy CNN and all other media. But it's all segmented - divided and dysfunctional to stand up against the Satanic culture. Father said, that's one of the biggest headaches of God. 

The satanic side infiltrates that foundation (1) to get access of these money, (2) to control the narrative inside (blocking any real spiritual education), and (3) to focus them on fighting each other, unable to unite in fulfilling God's Will. And do you realize that we are also their target? 

Implanted people spend years to claim positions of influence. Those born in the Illuminati Bloodline use the churches as a cover, so no one can ever suspect them of practicing Satanism. Once they have enough influence they start placing their own people in all higher positions. At the end, each church or organization, no matter how good and noble at its start, ends up to be top-down controlled under their Illuminati Pyramid. The regular members would never know. So, are we alert to spot such lecturers, pastors and committee members among us? They could be Masons, Khazarian-jews, or Jesuits. 

NOTE: Check in your Churches, if some Mason who became your pastor, or someone with such Jewish descent didn't take the position of educating your youth. They take such positions to manipulate their minds with their satanic narrative. Not easy to spot. They are musters of manipulation, so you'll never realize how unnoticeably they plant evil seeds in their minds. Then you wonder why your kids are loosing faith when they grow up. 

That's the case with our UK Church, only Khazarian Jews were allowed to teach DP. Church committees are all packed with handlers, keeping sure that the correct narrative is kept, and everyone is under check. They make sure, those who teach or give Sunday Service are warned not to dare teach our teachings (like DP or TP). Already main pastor positions are given to known Masons. True Father warned us to be alert for such communist agents. They have their symbology and manipulative methods by which you can recognize them: 

EXAMPLE: "Listening to 2 of Jew descent lecturer during DP education for Blessing Candidates: (1) In the lecture he was explaining the secret to have sex with any girl you want even if you are ugly (what kind of seeds he is planting in their heads)" (2) He barely had few charts from DP... it was all outside stuff. (3) Main points of what DP and Father explain so beautifully were replaced with outside humanistic stuff teaching exactly the opposite. (4) Second generation told me how he was saying on the lecture. "I don't believe DP, but I have to teach it." Thus implanting in their minds that DP is just vague and not important.

How and Why They Created World Wars and Revolutions

It is worth looking back at WW2 knowing that Churchill, Stalin and Hitler were all Freemasons. These Banksters started the wars by using their agents (Freemasons) on both sides.

The 33rd degree Masons/Khazarians at the highest levels created World War 1, World War 2 and the Cold War. The Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Rothschilds Banking sector and Wall Street were the masterminds and the sponsors. They were behind the Red Revolution. But they also funded Hitler, creating the needed polarization to excuse the 2nd World War. 

Romanov Royal family was executed by Bolshevik troupes, who created Communism and killed hundreds of millions. These Bolsheviks were Jews from this satanic cult, sponsored by their Banks. Communism was not for the working class 
People don't realize that wealthy, powerful men secretly manipulate and control most Communist governments while living in free societies. Among them are Rockefellers, Morgans, Shifts, Warburgs, and most of the Rothschilds. 

Hitler himself was from the Black Sun Cult, but was allegedly also Khazarian Jew. He was sponsored by these Khazarian Bankers. So why did he go against them? "Hitler arrested The Rothschilds in Germany in 1933, Austria in 1938, and France in 1940, and seized their assets." But was that not just a controlled opposition

"Supposedly the arch enemy of Jewish bankers, Hitler acted like he didn’t know the Rothschilds controlled England and America, when this was common knowledge. Hallett is right, historians like Toland are guilty perpetuating the myth that Hitler was a genuine threat to 'Jewish bankers.'" Hitler Was an Illuminati

Yes, they used the same trick successfully implemented before with Napoleon. Used to punish the other opposing the Bankers countries and then destroy the French army sending it to freeze in Russia, Hitler did the same (following the same script). 

"The world is finally waking up and realizing that Israel was created by the Nazis." Fulford

Video: A good documentary about Nazism and the games the Deep State played.

While openly talking and acting as enemy of the Jews, Hitler had few additional goals; (1) to push the Jews to Israel, so these Khazarian Bankers can have their own nation. As Lord Rothschild said, "My family created Israel." Yes, they had contract with Hitler for exporting Jews. He was their tool. 

(2) Kill the opposition to their Banking Cabal's businesses, and (3) lure into destruction Germany and all those who join him. (4) Thus, create example, so no one can dare in the future to speak against the 'Fake Jew' Bankers. Playing this double game, the Black Sun Cult were always the Fixers working for the Khazarian-Jew-Dragon-Families, and doing the back ops operations. See, THE DECEPTION: THE AWAKENING AND THE REAL ENEMY

For 70 + years since 1947 Israel was a separate state hiding pedophiles, torturing Palestinians and collecting US Taxpayer dollars. On 31 Oct. 2023 the Balfour Declaration expired and the Rothschild/Cabal-established Israel was no longer legally a corporate entity. 

So they decided to start a Great War for collecting more money from US and genocide more Palestinians (real Judeans). They were the once planning an manipulating all wars through the CIA, MI6, MOSAD... all created and controlled by them.

A classified document from the Secretary of Defense's office shows, how even before invading Iraq, they already had the the plan to take out seven other countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran. All because these countries were moving towards financial independence from the Rothschild Central Banking Fiat Dollar. (56:54)

As Catherine Austin Fitts explained: President Unconstitutionally Spent $10 Billion On US Depopulation - It Wasn't Biden. It was Trump. In her words, "There is no Right vs. Left, there is no Trump vs. Biden. There is a machine in control of the spendings for implementing the depopulation plan. Trump knew this Vaccine gonna kill millions and just supported the Plan. (Video) But let's not forget, Trump is the first Jewish President of the US. 

Intermarry to Keep and Spread the Satanic Bloodline

It was about 500 years ago when Rothschild family married into the Habsburg family in Germany. Then they figured, we can start marrying into all Royal families in the world and we would take all of them over.  

Today there are probable about 1500 to 2000 family names of Rothschild in numerous countries. A lot of them a Middle Eastern, German, even Chinese. 

Such pre-aranged marriages throughout the ages were done also in the Black Sun Cult. Like the Kennedy family, their wives or husbands are usually from the Order of the Dragon. Hilary is from the order of the Dragon, Bill is from the Order of the Black Sun. 

According to Kim, Princess Diana was from the original lineage of Europe, from before the Rothschilds took over. So, her son, William is both of the Dark and of the Light. So, in their minds, whatever side wins he will be a good choice. 

Chris Stevens, a survivor of the elite Aldenham School, publicly accused the British royal family of being serial rapists who "feed" on children: Britain's "King" Charles, the pedophile Prince Andrew and all other members of the "royal" gang around the world should be brought to justice immediately.

Different Providential Age After Lucifer Stepped Down

"In 1999, the declaration, "The Complete Liberation of Satan's Lineage and Accomplishment of True Blessing on the Cosmic Level" enabled our ancestors in the spiritual world to go the way of liberation and work for the unity of the earth. The "Liberation of the Cosmos" prayer in the Pantanal... brought many more changes. Through these we arrived at the time when God could free the spiritual world and physical world and establish the God's sovereign nation of love to be governed by God." Changes in the Spiritual World

Definitely, this is a different providential Age. As Father Moon told us in Belvedere, he will reveal all the secrets of their evil doings from the spirit world. If carefully hidden in the past, now the information is everywhere about the Matrix, the Illuminati and the control that they have through Witchcraft and Spellwork, how real Mind Control is, and how great deal of our history has been altered or omitted entirely. See, SPIRITUAL WARFARE

"We are at that point where there is a shift happening," Jessie said. "Evil has been brough out to the forefront, we are starting to show the evidence, and we need to take a stand against this evil. If we don't, it is going to continue and get worse and worse." 

The CIA agent Robert David Steele, said: "I have realized that every major Federal, State, and local official has been bribed, blackmailed, or brainwashed to work for the 1%. They don't work for you. And the two party tyranny (Democratic and Republican) are the front for the Deep State. We would not heal until we put people, not parties, in charge." (Video)

This 1% Elites were the Luciferian Brotherhood bloodlines, given to rule on behalf of the spiritual, Fallen, Demonic Forces that enslaved humanity after the Fall. Their vast and sophisticated network of organizations and structures of control were all created to cover up their Satanic role and true evil essence. See, NOT THE PUPPETS YOU SEE, SCRIPT WRITER PULLS THE STRINGS

"You have a lot of people that are alleged Rothschild Royalties; You've got the King of Spain, King of Jordan, the King of Saudi Arabia and other Kings, Queens and their families. All of these families together are all Rothschild Families. And that's for at least 200 years now. They are all related to that Bloodline." UNN news

In recent weeks News and inside sources report of many top players being taken out. Rothschilds, Royals, they are all being removed one by one. Isn't that connected with LUCIFER STEPPING DOWN OF HIS POSITION

Coexistence with this Evil is Impossible
We are run by criminals and gangsters and something fundamentally is got to change

Why did God command 'to kill all the men' of this evil culture? What were these 'satanic men' practicing? What would they 'invade again' with? Satanic Ritual practices, that they transfer to their lineage.

CSG: "Saul.. went against God’s instruction to kill all the men... (if) men of the satanic world were spared, that world would invade again... the survival of the satanic men would preserve that system as they took wives and continued as they had before. Yet cutting off their lineage would end the system." p. 121

What happen as a result? Satanism infiltrated the Norden kingdom, and later the South. Ritual sexual abuse and child sacrifice were practiced even in the Holly of Hollies. What about today's Christianity? Father send Archbishop Millingo to UTS to tell us of today's practice of Satanism under the Vatican. Why do you think Pedophilia is so prevalent among Catholic, Orthodox and Church of England priests?  

Jessie explains: There are two types of children within the system. Hierarchy children are specifically chosen for a position within the system. The system's hierarchy is like a triangle. At the top are the high level members, but those who serve at the bottom, they all have jobs that fit in a peace. Could be even a secretary of some Church. These positions are chosen when they are young. She herself, as a child, was trained in occult practices in the biggest Catholic Cathedral. 'Adrenochrome' was put in her food every day, Which She Calls The "Ultimate Zombie Drug". They use it to heighten their spiritual acuity. They have to align themselves with Demonic Principalities for power, for fame, for fortune. 

Putin recently said, "Your vampire ball (blood-sacking party) is ending!" And we saw reports of "Putin Intercepting Adrenochrome Shipment Headed to United States."

The rest of the children they consider expendable. They use them to make money in that system. First, they are used for sexual exploatation. Done used for that, they are sold to be ritually killed or consumed by the buyers. The remains are sold to Pharma or Food industry, to curse us by making us consume it. 

Tuesday, 13 FebruaryPlanned Parenthood faces $1.6 billion federal trial for selling baby body parts. Numerous food and beauty products were found to contain human meet.

As True Father Moon described it, the pain of knowing the true reality is so horrific that even subconsciously all the believers were running in the opposite direction, so no one could face the truth, see God's painful situation, reveal and stop what Satan and his minions do in the dark. 

When Jessie was small, she was trying to tell outside people, "My family is in the occult. My family kills babies." But no one wanted to believe her. 

Trump was the first president to officially acknowledge the Satanic Ritual Abuse. That this is not a single cases, but a vast, organized system that infiltrated every part of society. He made many believe there is a hope for that to end, by announcing that his first priority is to end the horrific practice of child trafficking. Was that a trap for those who seek hope or a true undertaking, is still vailed in secrecy. Satanic rituals were never in the courts before, but now they are, Jessie said. 

According to Steele, "Admiral Mike Rogers... briefed President Trump and weaponized the National Security Agency against the Deep State. We have every email, every text, every call (even encrypted), every game chat... and every banking transaction (including crypto). We have it all... every crocked Federal and Local official. Justice is coming!"

Providentially, as Dr. Young Oon Kim wrote in the DIVINE PRINCIPLE AND ITS APPLICATION:

"There is no room in this world for the everlasting coexistence of good and evil. Evil must be banished to make way for the restoration of mankind and the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. It must be banished, and it will be banished! The cosmic judgment will be evidenced on all sides, since God has already started the final stage in the divine plan of universal restoration."  Dr. Young Oon Kim, DP Applications, p. 182

According to Judy Byington: "The OPERATION DEFEND EUROPE was used to take over Vatican, seize all the Rothschilds Central Banks... stripped the Royals of all assets. And Mell Gipson said recently, "High ranking global elites will continue dying in unprecedented numbers," 

"If we were to examine the rise and fall of nations, we would find numerous instances in which those nations which persecuted religion have perished, while those which protected and fostered religion have flourished. Often, the people who rose to the position of ruler of a nation were those who most highly esteemed religion. History thus assures us that the day will surely come when the communist world, which is persecuting religion, will perish." The Divine PrincipleESCHATOLOGY

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