This principle is the basic core of the universe

"If there were no God, living on earth would be no fun... You want to see good things... not bad... You want it to move you and inspire you. You also want to hear good things; you do not want to hear bad things. Among all good sounds, you want to hear the best. People want to see, hear, smell and touch the best of everything. What is the best thing of all? It's love. Then who is the owner of love?.. It is God, who created heaven and earth." Sun Myung Moon (1)

The Heavenly Principles and Laws

God created the world through the Word... by instilling the Word with His heart, love, life and lineage. That is why certain principles and laws – the heavenly way – operate consistently in the life of human beings and all things of creation.

These words contain eternal guiding principles for our own lives. Here are Rev. Moon's words (quotes from CSG - The Heavenly Bible) about God's Principles:

"The Principle inevitably engages us in action to fight against that which is not of the Principle. This is the action of the conscience."

"God is the source of what's true; trueness is possible because God exists. When God departs so does trueness. In that void, the origin of evil emerges. True results can only come from truth." 

"What is truth? To man, the greatest truth is woman. To woman, the greatest truth is man. To God, the truth is human beings; to human beings the truth is God. Truth is not found elsewhere."

"How can truth reach perfection? When man and woman become one and, so a couple, unite with God in true love, perfection is attained. There can be no perfection without true love... For man and woman to become one is to perfect God and the universe."

This principle is the basic core of the universe.

From the perspective of the subject-object partner relationship in the Principle, we do not need to prove that God exists. Rather, the position we must establish is that God existed before we had cognition of Him and that He rules over all our senses and over everything to do with us.

Where did God place the ideal starting point of creation? ... He invests Him- self... He placed the starting point of the ideal upon the principle of existing for the sake of others.

What kind of being is God? He is both our Father and Mother. The core is the parents.

God is the ultimate source of truth, goodness, love and life.

Everything about God is connected to the mutual relationship of give and take.

God created the laws that control the elements of the universe, which move and operate under certain principles. In comparison to God’s efforts to create those laws, the investment a scientist makes to discover just one minute aspect of one of them amounts to nothing.

A scholar may say that he has researched this and that, but this is just reporting on the natural formulas and principles created by God – the scholar did not create them.

Does God need power? He does not. Power may be something rank
and file soldiers covet. Who likes power? The devil likes it.

Christianity today emphasizes “God, the all-knowing and the all-powerful Father,” but omniscience and omnipotence work exclusively on the basis of principles. God does not do things arbitrarily or through unprincipled action. The laws established by the eternal God are eternal. He does not arbitrarily change what He has established. The authority and dignity of God, in His obedience to the law, is amazing. God is the first to follow, absolutely, the laws He has established regarding justice and the public good because they are in keeping with heavenly principles. After God, then all people are to follow, and then the universe. There is no alternative direction. Such is the ideal standard of man’s creation.

God cannot do it alone. Today’s Christian ministers may think that the all-knowing and all-powerful God can do things arbitrarily any time with the power of creation. But that is far from the truth. All existing things in heaven and earth operate by laws and principles. Even God cannot break them and act on His own. 


Cycles of Heaven: Timelines Converge after 2012

Timelines Converge after 2012

We are watching the death of the control-matrix in real time. Revolution is about to start. This whole of society is about to change. A major life change. We are gonna make the most epic changes that the world has ever seen.

Sep. 2024 / CIG News

In the previous report we described the ongoing Secret Financial War. Knowing that after 2012 we ushered into the Age After the Coming of Heaven, where the world gradually comes under God's direct dominion, with the unavoidable pain of exposing and exiting the previous Satanic dominion, the following info is very revealing. 

This is a picture of the last few mounts, what different inner sources are saying, showing where the spiritual wind blows, seen from the lens of the Principle.

When the Satanic side foresees the inevitability of what God is going to bring next, as the Principle explains, they themselves are pushed to align with God's providence, and fulfil it themselves, for that's their only chance to continue to be on top for a bit longer. That's why temporarily they cooperate with God's side to abolish themselves their previous system. But this way they are fulfilling the external (Cain-type) foundation (the Environment) for the upcoming internal (Spiritual) reformation that God is about to bring at this new stage. See, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM

That's why the Divine Principle states, 

"Satan's side always realizes God's providence in advance." DP p.473

Hijacking the larger cycles of Heaven

A study was made on the cosmic change of the electromagnetic frequency that brought all big social changes in history. The conclusion was that God's providence was moving the transition in these cycles, but the evil side hijack the process using these shifts to maintain their power and control. 

"Trying to understand the role of these Social Engineers, the Cabal, the Deep State, whatever you want to call it - the group of people worshiping Satan, that don't like us, calling us 'useless eaters'."

"They want you to think that they are causing these changes that are happening, because it gives them this air of power and control. It makes you think that they are causing these things... They are aware of the larger cycles of Heaven. And they are aware of where are we in this cycle and know that there is a great shift that is happening. That is, all the cycles converging. And what they are trying to do is to hijack the process, so they can use the shift in this cycle to gain control, and maintain control over the next cycle." (10:30

Video: How our society is really constructed. Their moto is, "To act without being seen." This global criminal syndicate, known as the Deep State is infiltrated throughout most of the world governments, is not a transparent organization. It's members for the most part do not completely understand the whole syndicate structure as they are driven by their own greed, and cannot grasp what they are a part of. Only on the very top of the pyramid, those who are really in control, operating behind the scenes, have the complete picture. Those are the once in direct communication with Lucifer and his demons. 

They no longer have control over what happens

After 2012 True Father stood as the center of the Spirit World and that's connected with big spiritual changes. The Satanic world no longer is in control. Now God has full authority. See, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH 

The problem for the Cabal when looking into the future is, that after the year 2012 all "the timelines converge on that point in time." 

"You find out that at the end of 2012 the choices that we make become less and less consequential to the future. Eventually we're pushed into this bottleneck of time no matter which choice we make."

They "figured out that something big was coming up. Something that made it so all the possibilities of all the future scenarios of any choice inherently ended up in the same future. And no decision, no possibility changed past a certain point." 

That send them into a blind panic. "The elites of the world probably figured out that was the end of the game. Nothing could be manipulated beyond that point." They no longer actually have a control over what happens. 

"It seems that no matter what they try to do to cause their desired reaction it's going to have an opposite effect. Eventually all resolves down into us all learning the truth and become aware of this massive dam of lies that has been built that keep us from knowing." (Video)

That was their monumental concern; how to prevent that inevitability. Which is the end the world. Now we see it is the end of their world. 

"When all that information comes flooding out, there's going to be no denying what's true and what's a lie or what's illusion... At this time the loser can only prolong the game. Both players know the game is over. It's only a matter of time to the eventual Checkmate."

Video: Riccardo Bosi explains the Military Operation and what the life will be after the Satanic Cabal is gone. People will no longer need to work 70 hours a week to feed their family. Magnetic levitation trains and more. Didn't Father Moon talk of the same future. 

The Endless War with Satanism

Providentially we are now in a parallel period to the Divided Kingdoms of the OT, and the NT. What was essential of that period that has to be finally restored now? The Divine Principle explains, "not one king was righteous." It explains why: "(they) continued to worship evil spirits." It also says, "falling into idol worship." and talks of their "immorality" and "corruption". 

This happened "again and again by continual invasion of Satan," DP says, and this has "to be restored by indemnity horizontally in this final period of providential history." (DP, Section 5, p.421)

The Principle says, "Once the sovereignty of Satan is expelled from the earth, then God, the eternal and absolute Being transcendent of time and space, will establish His sovereignty and His truth." But what exactly is Satan's sovereignty on earth?

Dr. Lee speaks of a substantial network of evil on earth, sophisticated for 1000s of years. A whole network of organizations and structures working on earth under Lucifer. There are numerous signs that we are surrounded by intentionally imposed Satanic culture:
  • 80% of the Churches found to have hidden occult alters for satanic ritual sacrifices
  • Satanism becoming the only religion allowed in the Mass Media and the entertainment.
  • 70 to 80 million are born in the Illuminati bloodline, worshiping Lucifer
Following that parallel pattern, no wonder in the last few years much information came out on the Satanic practices of today's Royals and Politicians, and the Dark Nobility bloodlines priding themselves to be direct offspring of Lucifer, through Cain, after his sexual relationship with Eve. Isn't that what DP had revealed now about the Fall of Eve. See, THE HUMAN FALL

So what was Satanism about? 

God's tireless efforts to raise society and nation out of the Satanic culture gave fruits through the descendants of Abraham. He set up a victorious course on family level, that gave the beginning of a tribe and finally a nation on God's side. 

It was Solomon who built the Temple successfully. But because of his numerous concubines and wives, it was him who opened the gateway in Israel to allow the Demons in. Further infiltration of Satanic practices continued with the next kings. That's why the kingdom was divided, in attempt to separate from that. But finally all kings and priests, North and South, reverted to Satanism. So why is Satanism so canning, manipulative and unstoppable? 

What exactly is the essence of Satanism? Why rulers, leaders of all levels and even priests are succumbing to it? 

Let me tell it shortly. If we say that some glands, like the penial gland, produce hormones connected to happiness, or when we connect to God. And God created us to reach that state only when we perfect our love, and mature to live unselfishly for the sake of others. 

Satanism is to take Lucifer's path; trying to obtain that state artificially, by force, in rebellion to God, by going the very opposite, selfish way - and get it ready produced by the sacrifice of others, without reaching the required state of perfection of our hearts. 

Those practicing these Satanic rituals were entering in contract with Demons, allowing them to obsess them and give them power. But did they reach the 'godly-hood' Satan promised them? No! In result they were losing their own spiritual life by selling their soul. They become miserable creatures, living under absolute control. 

Dark Magic: Spiritual Abilities were Weaponized

Satanism was always very hierarchical and strictly organized. Throughout the human history spiritual abilities were weaponized. Ruling lineages were tapping the spiritual power from low levels of the spirit world. Dark magic was perfected with the use of Sex Magic and human sacrifice. But in our days that weaponization of spirituality was fully implemented by military and even in the technology. 

See also, Satanic Practices Turned into Vast Capitalist Enterprise. It reached the point, where God's creation and our humanity are really endangered. See,  ATTACK ON THE HUMAN SOUL. God cannot tolerate that any further. 

The Principle says that, "Satan will be utterly incapable of any activity, (only when) there will no longer be any counterpart with whom Satan can relate."

If such people no longer exist, Satan looses his power. We are talking not physical Aliens, but other dimensional spiritual beings - Fallen Angels, as they were called. Without objects to work through, they have no power over the earth. 

Remove the Cause of the Problem

We cannot bring solutions if we don't remove the cause of the problem. What solutions usually do in politics, they lead to more and more problems, that need more and more solutions. To brake that cycle you have to remove the cause of the problem. This is a SPIRITUAL WARFARE

"This psychological war goes for centuries," Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes says, "they have slowly been chipping away our soul and our sanity for centuries." (Video)

"But Source basically told them (the Archangels) that they have to come here and clean up the mess," Kimberly reported.

Dr. Lee reported from the spirit world, that God had requested Lucifer to first abolish the Satanic Network he has built, before asking to be forgiven. So let's make a short overview of the Satanic Order and their Dark Bloodlines. That will give you a glimpse into how difficult that task is. For more details see, HOW REAL AND EVIL IS SATANISM TODAY and the BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER

"What you must learn is that it was always them, a colossal, global, criminal class who has risen up and occupied every level of corporate, legal and political power imaginable." (Video)

Understand the Identity and Crime of Satan

We read in THE HUMAN FALL that "In order to eliminate our common base with Satan and be capable of judging him, we must understand the identity and crime of Satan and accuse him before God." And now, Maria Zack explains, we have the Data Banks with all of the information on what took place in in the Shadow Government.  

"More and more information is coming... working feverishly to get out the very bad corruption... We know what you did. Truth is coming. And we gonna let the world know... We have the opportunity to change course and shot down what has been existing for decades in countries around the world... There is blood on their hands if they have participated, and we are coming for them." Maria Zack

As we know, (1) True Parents have already raised new, pure lineage (2) Lucifer surrendered to their love. (See, LUCIFER RETURNED TO THE ORIGINAL CREATION) That's why as this article shows, Lucifer is now working to dismantle the very evil network he himself created, as God had asked him to do before expecting forgiveness. So let us look at his evil matrix and what's changing there.

When God moves the world is changing. Lot's of players do their tricks. But the wind of change is inevitable. Even their efforts will eventually bring what God has intended. We are now in the age after the Coming of Heaven. The Satanic side is losing power. See, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM


The Illuminati families (worshiping Lucifer): Near the very top of the pyramid are the Council of 13 Families that controls all major world events in the world. The Council is made up of 13 of the most powerful families on earth. In fact, 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by one percent of the "elite." In their view, they are entitled to power over everyone else because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royalty.

"And when you look at how many descendants they have, and those descendants get into positions of power, to make decisions and do things to us... you realize that they have the patience of the Devil, and they know what they are supposed to do. I don't think they have a single fiber that cares about humanity." Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

"They were going at everything that is toxic to humans," Kimberly says, "to eliminate the rest of us humans, and bring in only theirs. They want to breed all their own people." But she says, "we have to eliminate them."

"I think their brain is severely damaged. I don't know if that's a genetic disorder with their bloodlines, but they interbreed all the time. I think we should eliminate that imperfect race, and their various bloodlines, until we cannot find them anymore... Make them sterile... They don't deserve any kind of breeding capability whatsoever." Kymberly

Aiming to Destroy the Fundamental Churches 

Video: John Todd about the Secret Satanic Council of 13. How Illuminati infiltrates in everything; Governments, Schools, Churches. "I saw 35 million dollars in 2 years going to the charismatic movement to build the 4 biggest churches in the United States," he says.

The main function of the Charismatic Churches was (1st) "Destroy the fundamental churches of any type." Masons and political maneuvers were the other tools used towards the same objective.

"The Illuminati does not produce Rock Music to entertain you. They don't do it to make money. They don't need that money. They own everything anyway. They do it to put Demonic influence in your life." John Todd

1% that Rules the World

Here is the irony; The government pretends that is working for us the people, while we all know they work for these 1%. Yet, it wants us pay them. Saying we owe them for using and living within their system, while making it illegal for us to live independently of that slavery system. Are we insane? Why should we pay to sponsor a system that's taking our rights and reducing us lower than animals? Animals don't pay taxes for their nest, of for fishing, and for feeding their offspring. 

Didn't God create us higher than the animals? So why birds fly freely without borders, but we are imprisoned in some territories and need passports and visas to move? As the Divine Principle says, "we are in the process of restoring our freedom, long lost due to Satan." THE HUMAN FALL

When Bible says that this world is controlled by Satan, do you think that's a joke? Look carefully who is actually owning and controlling this world: See,  THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH

Kymberly Goguen explains the Finance and Power Hierarchy: Corporate Clans (Oil Clan, Airlines Clan, Food Clans, Agriculture Clans...) Financial Institutions (Genetic Shareholders - Rockefeller, Lee Family etc.), NATO, IMF, UN, Governments etc. "Are they bad? Yes, they are bad, but they are not the creator of the evil," she says.

They are Getting Orders from Somewhere Else

"You may think all they are evil, and they are, but that's because they are getting orders from somewhere else." Kim (33 min)

You have 9 colors of the Order of the Dragon. and the 9 colors of the Black Sun Eagles (They were just order takers). People of the Vatican and Fed will be down at the level of Financial Institutions. "They had to a limited degree the ability to act on behalf of the Central Banks around the world. They had the responsibility of receiving allocations and passing them through. 

"But the orders came from people who are so far over their head, way up there, not human beings, and then the money will come trickling down because there was an agreement at the time. Until January 2023."

 Their Elections and Taxes are All Fraud

The Taxes are also there. Things that you didn't originally have to pay for and eventually they started double-dinging you anyway, because they charge you taxes on everything, Kymberly said. "The way it's done, you know, it's done in order to enslave you. But folks, they have no authority. None! None!" Col. Riccardo Bosi says, "It's a charade, it's a farse. They are all actors. That's what they are."

"All the politicians, all the judges, they are all fraud. They have no authority. Zero!... The time came... Withdraw consent, stop playing, stop exceeding to their requests... They have no authority. Stop treating them like they do." Col. Bosi

The elections are not elections, Bosi says, "I'm not gonna give validity to their charade. And neither should you." See, THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY and SATANIC PRACTICES TURNED INTO VAST CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE.

They are Order Takers

"These people are not just sick, they are evil, they are entities that are controlled by the demonic realm - the satanic realm, and they are carrying out Satan's plan."

"They are not permitted to do anything on their own creativity, they follow orders only. They receive orders every year, passed down the food chain, from some being, somewhere. And they were given lots of money to do that." Kymberly

Above them you have Covens (Satanic High Priests - musters of Black Magic). There are 42 Covens and there were 42 Family Musters. This also includes the Chinese Elders. Above them you have 21 Parents (Hybrid humans with extremely long life - hundreds or 1000s of years). And above them you were the 6 Owners of "THE SEAL" (Aliens that run this planet - that includes Lucifer). But they also did not have the ultimate say on this planet, Kim explains. At the pick they could reach only 79% of control. They were never at a 100% control. Rev. Moon talked of how he interfered, for Satan has already reached 80% control. 

And now, after Lucifer stepped down, this pyramid is collapsing top-down (Parents and Coven Masters are also gone). The left over people are trying to run something and they don't understand why what they are doing is not working. They are still waiting for some of these beings to come and give them orders and drop them money to fulfill them, as they were used to. But it doesn't happen anymore. Now the tide is turned, which is why they are confused.

Satanic Magic and Manipulation of the Lower Astral

The Coven Musters (High Satanic Priests), are now gone, Kim says, but we may have some of the Coven members floating still around. Under them are the so called Industrial Psychics. People of Project Looking Glass, people that do psychic attacks on the people. that get in people's heads to influence some corporate decisions. 

Kimberly often talks of the many programs they have working on the level of the Lower Astral, used to influence, manipulate and control our lives. And as we know the Lower Astral is kind of the Quantum Level of the physical reality, where the physical and the spiritual meet. That was the level dominated by the low, evil spirits. The stuck in the physical reality spirits function there. And of course they are the army used by Satan to attack and control our bodies, using our own lineage that is on the evil side in the sprit world. Which tells you how important the Liberation of the Lineage is. 

These Satanic Priests (Covens) were using Looking Glass to foresee what choices and events they can make now so that the desired by them future would pup up. That was a powerful instrument for the Satanic side in their constant struggle to prevent God's side from overtaking them. But now, looking into the future they could foresee their own end.

The Satanic Council

Raised in this Bloodline, Jessie Czebotar explains: "The Satanic Council is preaty much the CEO of the System of the Beast, system of Satan, or Lucifer. Within that system everything is structured to uphold his desires, his wishes, his agenda, which is to usurp the throne of God. He has basically kept the world captive to this agenda for centuries." 

WTP News: "The Vatican's Ninth Circle Cult members consists of global leaders heavily involved in pedophilia. The Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult began at least three centuries ago at the Vatican," the International Court of Justice reports, "but has expanded to embrace local Satanic child sacrifice cults across Europe and the Americas. During the 1930's and '40's the Ninth Circle affiliated strongly with Nazi cultic groups closely tied with SS. In 1953 the CIA imported Nazi mind control experts from Hitler's Germany for the purpose of developing "assassins and super spies." This MK-ULTRA program of illegal human experimentation, mainly on children, was based on torture and sexual abuse. The program utilized 149 subprojects and 33 related programs set up in 80 US and Canadian institutions, including 44 colleges and universities - all paid for out of US taxpayer monies from a prolific CIA Black Budget." (6:05 min) 

VIDEOKristy Allen, a survivor of an inter-generational, industrial scale program of mind control, torture, sexual abuse, satanic rituals 

The way the system works is that you have two sets of children

Jessie explains: Everybody born in it is either chosen to be Hierarchy Children, born, bread and chosen for certain position to keep the system going. These become your leaders, priests, bankers, teachers, or even some lower positions in the society, Jessie explains, 

"These people do not just live their lives normally and one day decide to go into politics and get chosen to be a president. They were groomed for this position from the time they were little, age 5 or earlier. So he is being trained to fulfil a specific job... There is no room for mistakes."

Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice

They look human but there is no way such evil can be done by humans. They are Hybrids of something. Physical bodies used by demons.

The other group, are the Expendable Children that would be bought, sold and used to make them money through sexual exploatation, or for production of adrenochrome, for cannibalization or ritual killings by the Covens.  

800, 000 children go missing in US annually. 8,000,000 globally, due to child trafficking.  

Some of these children were to be used to produce Adrenochrome, the blood of traumatized children enriched with adrenaline that the "Elite" use to rejuvenate themselves! The children are taken care now before the Declassifications of the Files and the indictment of the 160,000 people with a Sealed Indictment in the various Federal Courts United States, which are allegedly in progress right now! 

Pedophilia, not just for sexual pleasure, but mostly for dark spiritual reasons (connected to the Fall and Lucifer's lineage ties) was the glue in the Satanic Network. See, LIBERATE OUR CHILDREN

It is true. Check the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force and the Judicial Commission videos

The War on Child Trafficking

Allegedly, first thing the Military Alliance did through Trump's administration was to declare war on child trafficking and pedophilia. Especially the top rungs of Black Nobilities and ruling elite set under Lucifer. 

In 2018 alone, over 45,000 sealed indictments were filed against political and other elites. Most charges involved pedophilia, sex abuse and child trafficking. Now in 2024, the word is about 63,233 federal indictments filed just in this year. (Video)

October 2019, 2,100 children held in cages were found in underground tunnels at California China Lake Military facility. (11:20)  A trooper reports, "children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension."

WTP News: "30,000 pedophiles arrested out of Germany, and "lots" were arrested in Spain and England." (14:50)

Money to fund such tunnels came from Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. If you're paying your taxes you are basically funding the murder of thousands of children.


Is Trump a hero "saving" humanity from the Deep State? As Ezra said, "Unfortunately, that Trump is long gone. Something to do with a downed helicopter and Willie Brown in 1989." That was explained also by Najadi, who claims to be working with the US Space Force. Is it true, or simply attempt to escape dealing with the facts around the evil past of the real Trump? What we know is that they started with this narrative after Kymberly (Trustee of the Global Repository) gave them an ultimatum that they should stop promoting dead presidents. 

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes says that GITMO expanded from the time Trump took over. In her words, "Military is very busy for the last 3 and half years with holding Tribunals." (3)

The question is, is that a real cleaning, or just eliminating the opposition and taking full control of this super profitable enterprise. Human trafficking through the Mexican border alone is bringing them nearly 700 million dollars profits, Kymberly says, so Republicans will never stop it. According to her, Team-Trump only wants to get full control of the profit. Here Biden-mask comes handy; Trump's team is in charge and gets the profit, while the Biden-actor placed and controlled by them is blamed. Clever Satanic scheme! 

What is the lineage of Trump and Musk? Illuminati lineage! yes! Otherwise cannot run for president. He and Musk are from the Black Sun Cult. But does that matter at all? What the Space Force behind them wants to really achieve is the real question. Totalitarian Global Communism, or a New Paradigm of politics, economy and tech preparing the foundation for CIG? That's what's important for God's providence. The individuals themselves are just puppets. Front faces. Probably Actors - the real once long gone.

No need to fear, the Trump White Hats say, they are behind all the evils now, to awake us, and planning even more scary evils. Can we trust such people? Are they better than the monsters they pretend to fight? 

Anyways, Kim says, the real Trump is also dead. So this fiasco of dead presidents should stop. Obviously the industrial military complex is in control orchestrating all this from behind. That's why the constant renewal of the Martial Law. So keep watching this Political Theater - never learning, THIS IS JUST DESTTRUCTION from what's really going on. Entertainment for the Sheepl.

Remember, Trump is the first Jewish president of US. (Video)

Elections are Satanic trick

Elections are Satanic trick, the Trustee of the Global Repository explains. You are surrendering your power and rights to their Satanic representative. Meanwhile, the politicians you've chosen cannot take one decision out of the script given to them from this Satanic Elite.

"ALL presidents are selected (and controlled). There are NO exceptions whatsoever. Until you grasp this simple basic concept, you'll forever live and die in the matrix." Ezra

Satanic leaders have told you openly, "Whenever the Sheepl need a 'Hero' we should provide them." Playing the 'savior' Trump polarizes the people who lost faith in elections, to give their consent. Satanist just keep doing what they know doing best; lie and manipulation. 

"There is no Tribunals going on, no GITMO project. There is no such thing," Kymberly says, "There is Trump operatives doing their little things in the Middle East." So she urges, "Please, do not expect Military save you. They are complaisant and have operations that intend to burn this country to the ground."

On the other side, the current Trump (even if this is a double) just gave CEASE AND DESIST warning. Many see that as sign of "Game Over." NY City is full with military, it has declared Martial Law because of too much crime, Fulford reported. Holland stopped it's flights, and Satanists are being arrested, he says. Washington DS got more fences and walls. 

We are seeing the Snake Shading

But will all these pedophile-satanists be eliminated? According to Kerry Kassidy, we are seeing the Snake shading - morphing. She explains how the Illuminati work, "They not gonna die. They gonna change. They gonna change their colors. They gonna submerge... become more hidden."

"Now they are out. They are exposing themselves and we are exposing them. They gonna change. They gonna morph. And they gonna come back in another guise." Kerry Kassidy

 "Justice needs to happen," Dr. Hayes says, "and that justice for me means, not only exposing the bad guys. It is eliminating their ability to commit this kind of fraud, and the trafficking etc." (3)

DS Players Masquerading as Heroes
Specialty of the covert military operations is to control the narrative through psychological operations, secretly concealing their real secret agenda.
"Please understand, there are many different Deep State players that are navigating this disgusting mind-field of psychological operations against the populace of the world as a whole." Nathan Reynolds

Nathan Reynolds suggests Gen. Flynn may have closer ties to the Knights of Malta and darker things than he may have to our Christian values. Who is exalting him and lifting him in a position of power? They have loyalty to the Black Pope. Nathan calls them,

"Treasonous traitors and chameleons masquerading as heroes in our midst... Incredibly canning and deceptive... leading people towards a false light." (video)

Another example is the problems Japan now causes to the UC. Fulford reported several times that the Japanese mafia and the Dragon Families decided they have to destroy UC. But they are the once he portraits as White Hats. It is very clear that the mafia is taking over the country, afraid of UC. So these White Hats are actually the bad guys. 

Fact is, "We don't know!" - they can always try to lie to us. So instead of losing our time, listening to their constant intrigues and conflict scenarios we should focus on fulfilling God's will. Remember, politics and military can not come and create true, loving families instead of you. 

Allowing the Invasion of Adulterous Customs

Remember: "Saul was punished because his failure to act as instructed allowed the invasion of the heavenly nation by the worship of gentile gods and by all their adulterous customs." Rev. Moon: CSG, 121 

2 Corinthians 6:14 - 6:18

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.  

Many satanic practices and believes our days are popularized by Hollywood as something romantic and beautiful. Satanism is portrayed as something innocent; just some harmless believes. Meanwhile Hollywood glorifying Vampires, Witches, killers as heroes, homosexuals and and other anti family behaviors. They implanted in our minds this nice cover thus hiding their true and evil reality. 

And yet, since 2012 we witness how all of the evil of this Satanic System is being exposed. Obviously God - The Source, knows that we can understand and get out of it. That we can rebuild the world completely new, out of this evil.

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism

"It's important to understand that these individuals are serial killers... they are musters that are skilled in torture and they know how to make the death extended, so the individual is tortured to the worst extend. They take pleasure in that. They are all high practitioners of Necromancy. Not just speaking to the dead, there are forms of magic and other things that are connected, that they are skilled at." Jessie

Jessie Czebotar is a Federal Witness. In court of Minnesota she testifies of world leaders and US Presidents participation in Cannibalism. She mentions Obama, as the Finex of the Satanic Council. She testifies of presidents eating child's brain while alive. "The loosen the skin with a hot water." Pilling the face skin to reach the penial gland of the child through the nose. "They have their methods. They have done it for a long time," she says, and points personally observing Hillary Clinton do that more than 30 times.

"They use old ancient Egyptian embalmment tools... They know which pieces of the brain to remove so first the child is paralyzed but still conscious and aware. Eating it in front of the child's face." (34 min)

This and numerous other testimonies of Children's Ritual Sexual Abuse and sacrifices tell you what kind of demonic powers are incarnated in these Satanic Nobility Families. Counting around 1% of humanity, we are talking 70 to 80 million raised with and regularly participating in such rituals. That's why the need of millions of children being kidnapped each year for their needs. So who are these satanic family lines?  

Consume Blood as an act of Religious Ceremony

Why they drink human blood? Especially that of small children. Why the Bible warned numerous times not to eat blood? It's ancient Satanic tradition of these bloodlines. They consume blood as an act of religious ceremony, that brings them in extasy.

"It physically augments your DNA. Alters the mitochondria in in their DNA to convert energy out of the plasma. But the insanity in the brain and the hunger and the lust, that made them different. They are not like regular people. They are much more like Vampires, that consume in their sheer compass of psychopathy that allows them to do these horribly barbaric acts and be able to stifle down any emotions. That's Bible warned you not to do that kind of stuff." (23:20)

Do you know that 80% of the blood you donate is used by the Pharmaceutical industry for production of drugs that they feed back to the population, as flavor additives, and other genetic experiments. "We are ripping the consequences of that... all these epigenetic diseases manifesting and ruing the lives of families."

Black Nobility Families and the Order of the Dragon

"Pharaoh, does not mean King, it means Viper... in old traditions the Snake was a symbol of Satan, the Devil," Najadi said (1). Their bloodlines were ruling the world till today, from behind the scene.

The 8 pointed star is not a Jewish star, it represents the real Illuminati families. Eight as in Octopus. These family lineages practiced Satanism for thousands of years. These families all intermarry. They are so much intermingling, so they are all practically the same. 

The real elite has to never be see in public. This upper elite controls the lower elite, as Rothschilds, Rockefellers, DuPonts and the rest, they are not the leading elite, just public faces that you are allowed to see, serving the purpose of keep the real once hidden. The lower families have no power unless it is given to them by the elite - the top families. (Video)

UNN news: (5:17Kimberly explains the deal between Orsini Family, the Black Nobility families and the Order of the Dragon, where the Black Nobility family will have 65% control of the World, and the Order of the Dragon will have 35%. See who are the BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER

"The Rothschilds are from the Orsini family. Roth means Red, and Orsini means Red (Little Red Baer). The Black Pope is Pepe Orsini (he is higher than the White Pope). The Orsini is the Maxima Family. They are on top. The other of the 3 most powerful Illuminati Families are Colonna and the Farnese. These are bloodlines which have their origins from Babylon and Egypt. They go back to Nimrod. They goair back to the Persian and Egyptian dynasties." (Video)

Video: Rothschild's and Rockefeller's are Related to the Orsini Black Nobility Bloodline. Saturnalian brotherhood, the 13 bloodline of the Illuminati (2)

Papal Bloodlines

The "white pope" in the Vatican is just a front face with no real power himself compared to the black and grey popes. Pepe Orsini is the grey pope, the Most Powerful Man in the world controlling both, the white and black popes. The Black Pope is the (Superior General of the Society of Jesus or Jesuits) is under the grey pope.

"Most of the world don't know the Vatican is infiltrated by several different Deep State societies, as Jesuits, Illuminati, Black Popes, White Popes, Secret Grey Pope family, Malta, 33rd Degree Freemasons, Skull & Bones, top secret Solidarity Club, CIA, M16, Mossad, Cartels and Italian Mafia." WTN News

The Vatican is largest single stock holder in the world. They own the most property in the world that doesn't pay taxes. Since 1800s the Rothschilds (Rockefellers) have been running half of the Vatican Global Empire. 

The TRUE leaders of the WORLD: (Black Nobility)

The Black Nobility and Papal Bloodlines WHICH CONSIST OF the following families and subfamilies.

The Black Nobility and Papal Bloodlines:
Top Tier Bloodlines:
The Orsini family of Rome
House of Borja
House of Lancellotti and Breakspeare
Caetani or Gaetani family, Gambino Mafia and Donald Trump
Colonna family, Colombo crime family and Alex Jones
House of Farnese Military Bloodline
House of Aldobrandini
House of Somaglia
House of Conti
House of Chigi
House of Medici
House of Pamphili
House of Este

Additional Houses Linked to the top 13 (Second Tier)
House of Alba
House of Bathory, Dracula, Order of Bath and Blood Bath Ritual
House of Bonaparte
House of Borromeo
House of Bourbon
Dreyfus family
House of Habsburg
Guinness, Hennessy and Bailey Families
House of Marescotti-Ruspoli
Cult of Saturn, CERN and the Odescalchi Family
House of Orange-Nassau and the Cult of Venus
House of Osorio
The Pallavicini family
House of Sacchetti Doria and Goldman Sachs
House of Savoy
House of Sforza
House of Torlonia and Borghese
House of Windsor and HAARP
Massimo Family and The Italian Nobility

13 Families: the Monarchies of the Past

"They are all fake names, Corporate fiction. The real 13 Families are the Monarchies of the past. They are the two pillars of Freemasonry (The Brotherhood of the Black Sun and the Illuminati great musters)." 

One rules religion and governance, one rules industry and banking. They serve the same muster. Just different divisions of the muster's hierarchy. Actually, second level of the Pyramid. 

Illuminati are represented by the Obelisk (the male energy) while the fountain represents the other set of families, representing the female energy. The fountains of gestation and creation of a false paradigm. The water is representative of the Maritain Law. One rules the waters, one rules the land; Capitalization by a system of earthly rule through Corporate fiction born through a controlled system and false paradigm. (Video)

The way they were operating was using both sides of a war milking countries. Sending billions to Ukraine, for example, and then laundering it back to themselves.

Many of the heads of the black nobilities now live in India and Asia. What do that tells you? Why are they pushing all kind of agendas to collapse the West?  

Video: The secret government technologies disguised in the fairy tale of the Aliens. Project Blue Beam, aiming to obtain billions from the scare of alien invasion, instead of using these technologies for creating a better world. 

Mass Social Control by Infiltrating Religion

Who are authentic believer vs. those who are masquerading as apostles of light.

Top levels of most religions were infiltrated by Satanists. They were intentionally suppressing the Original Nature and spirituality of the people. Intentionally infusing divisions and interreligious hatred. And yet people naturally were searching for freedom of faith. This is natural urge of the Original Mind.

Yes guys, these bloodlines, less than 1% of humanity, dominated humanity for thousands of years. All because they served Lucifer and were receiving his direct guidance and immense evil demonic power to support their evil plots. You think Satanism invaded in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, and is not strongly infiltrated everywhere today? Think again: Read, HOW REAL AND EVIL IS SATANISM TODAY

"Religion was the oldest and the broadest form of social control utilized by the ruling core." 

First you have the Satanic religions. People were brainwashed to voluntarily sacrifice themselves or their children for the false (demonic) gods they worshiped. Society as a whole was tricked to believe that by doing sexual abominations against the absolute moral values of the real God and Creator, they will get the benefits that these demonic powers can grand them.

When God raised the Israelites and later the Christians to despise these evil practices, these Satanic bloodlines infiltrated or bought themselves high positions within the Church and ruled keeping their practices and agendas in hidden. But the hideout of the Churches and other Religions gave them all the needed control of the money, land and people. 

"They were using Preachers, to tell you what to do. And it's not really the small churches, mainly they were using the big mega churches, so the small churches would like to be modeled and be like the big churches."

Do you know that Catholic and Orthodox Church system were the only banking system up until 17-18 century. Only with the Protestant Reformation was that Kings fought to have their own monetary and Banking system free of their control. 

As Kimberly says, "They never install a religious leader in any religion that is not one of theirs. Is part of their little trick, to try to put as many Lucifer worshipers in religious leading positions." 

That's why the Divine Principle says, "The state of today's Christianity reveals urgent need for such reformation." (DP p.474) But to succeed in such reformation we need the power to resist such infiltration. 

WarningWhy is the UC London pastor an self admitted 'Leader of Secret Society'. His allegiance is to his Secret Society, not to the UC. Why is he allowed to be a leader in FF? How many other members of Secret Societies are infiltrated in FFed UK? 

Video: The Jesuit role and how many big Christian Ministers are high level Freemasons, serving Satan. 


Punishing Countries that sought Financial Independence

Starting with Napoleon, the French and the Communist revolutions, plus the World Wars, they punished these countries that sought financial independence out of their Cabal, and independence from the dictatorship of the Pope (set by them). 

After the WWII they created agencies like CIA to assist their private Central Banking system, impose impoverishing rules over the countries and create wars and black operations to keep all nations under this Rothschild Central Banking system of debt and slavery. 

JFK attempt to remove the money control from the Federal Reserve, and transfer it under the Treasury, controlled by the Black Sun Cult, ended in his Assassination. He was killed in the so called, "Killing of the King Ritual." So was later his son. Similar to the killing of Diana, "Killing of the Queen Ritual"; killing of the ones that the people loved, to cause them to loose faith in the system. They kill few of their own to forward their agenda. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (the Shipping Family) received new handler. (Video)

Regime is Crumbling Before our Eyes

The Divine Principle explains that, "Even in the Satanic world, there must be struggle to liquidate the old society because it is an obstacle to the progressive society." (DP p.487) We are clearly witnessing now how the satanic forces are themselves working to liquidate the existing system.

WTP News commented: "Rothschilds and Rockefellers in free fall as Banks collapse. Their corrupt (Deep State) regime is crumbling before our eyes. As the US Federal Reserve remains closed, while the US Capital sits behind barricades. The global financial landscape is shifting... NATO and the UN would crumble within a month."

Video: Because the election 2020 was rigged there are several task forces that came together and the Military would like to know the right time that they are going to take a lead and let the public know. They don't want the public to freak out. Next faze is when the Military will take over in eliminating the corruption. 

Reccardo Bosi's warning: to politicians, police, journalists, religious leaders etc.; "Those of you who have been on the wrong side... you have one last chance, because after the end of October there would be no amnesty. This is the time to decide whether you stand with the people or the criminals." (Video)

"Once they lose the financing, the media and the police, they are gone. And if one of their organizations is found criminal, all the chain of command will be arrested." Discussion with Col. Bosi

Kymberly asks, if any of their systems; "food supply, housing, educational programs... and the chemicals we receive... I don't think you will find anything that is gonna work for us in the future." "We have to create a whole new system that intends on protecting the people."

"If this planet is gonna be cleaned up, I'm sorry bit it's up to us, you and all of us, to do it." Kim

Shift to the Light Side of the Satanic Order

From what we know this transition is carried out by the Light Side of the Order (of the Luciferian brotherhood). Looks like they are the once pretending to be White Hats.

"You have the Dark Side... and the Light Side of the system, which has remained hidden for years. The main purpose of the Light Side is to usher the Antichrist and to bring about the End Times and the New World Order." Jessie testifies:

"That shift has been confirmed. The majority of those positions in the Darks Side have all been taken care of. You can look up, many of the Rothschilds who had power have died. Those who sat in the Satanic Council on the Darks Side passed away. And I confirm that... those we have seating on the Council now are all Light Side members." (1:02 h.)

Why? Because it was decided that the Light Side will lead the transition to the New World Order, Jessie (Ex-Satanist) explained. But you have to know how they work together. One of the signs of their morphing into a new system of control is that THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD. 

Do the Black Hats have any moves left?

"The White Hats have now already captured most of the Deep State Operations." WTP News

Colonel Bosi answered, "It doesn't matter!" It's a small group of people and it's shrinking by the day, plus more an more people are getting to know about this situation. In chess the opponent will see that he is loosing in 6 moves and he will resign, he explained. But these people are evil, and will rather burn the world. They will take as much as they can in the process. And yet, if you look at the board, you see, they can't win. That's why be careful. Keep yourself ready. 

"What might happen is, there can be episodic, sporadic, but focused acts of violence by people who had enough. If you bet they gonna do more damage, yes they are. But the inevitable conclusion is there. There are still some options available. Blacks can move a pond there or a knight there, but it doesn't matter, because if you understand the rules they are stuck." (Video

And truly, many military activities are happening right now that we do not understand. Tues. 11 June 2024: Russian Navy arrived in Cuba with a heavy armament, including ship-launched Zircon hypersonic missiles, capable of penetrating nearly all US made missile defense technology. These hypersonic weapons cannot be stopped. In 12 minutes any area of US can be annihilated, and yet media is silent. 

Dr. Hayes talks of JAG Ships surrounding most of the big countries, serving as prisons and arrests. "When you understand the depth, and how the corruption is spread, and the tentacles that exist within it," Dr Hayes says, "That is why it is taking so long."

"At this point of the game, the fact is, the bad guys are caught. But why it's taking so long? As you uncover the corruption and the individuals that are involved, often they give other people up." Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

Tunnels & Underground War

There's a lot of things that have been ongoing on behind the scenes that people do not realize, during the process of cleaning. A lot of what was going on underground is better not to know, because of how disturbing it is..

Video: The UNDERGROUND WAR: Explosions, cleaning the underground military bases (DUMBS) of the Deep State. You can see the maps; some areas the underground was going for years. 

If you like to see maps with the underground military activities in Turkey, US, Latin Amerika and Africa, visit this Video.

"A lot of the stuff we have to deal now is all the messed up humans that sold their souls to these programs. And the hybrids." (16:38 min)

Alex Collier was shown how these Hybrid demonic creatures were eating human flesh after extreme torture. They knew how to control the elite, how to addict them through this process and to make sure that they would comply. (Video)

Reportedly, the good guys already have 75% control over the Energy Weapons, yet the Deep State still has 25% control, and around the same percent control over the Weather Manipulation weapons.   

A Defense War: Global Martial Law

USA has been under Martial Law since before 2020 with Trump being commander-in-Chief and Biden played by masked actors. See, A GLOBAL DEFENSE WAR

This is an extraordinary bio-weapon threat to humanity: Myocarditis increased by 2800%; Cancer - up to 900%; Infertility (both genders) - 500%; Miscarriages - 300%; Neurological Disorders - 1000%; MS - 600%; HIV cases - 500%; the list continues. 

WTP News: "We are amidst military operations with continuity of government, with a shadow government running parallel to the facade."

Is that a part of this Defense War, or as Kimberly says, these are actually US ships to be used for false-flag attacks and later blame it on Russia? Are US and Russia in a war, or as sources say, fighting together the Global Deep State? 

According to Kimberly, "Q is a good source to know what the Deep State are planning, because they are the Deep State." Video

Here is my problemTrump is still the president, thus responsible for the current situation, if we accept this Executive Order 13818 as valid. Trump is also related to Q, and Q is telling us openly, "Now we have to scare people... increase prices... destroy western economy... take people's money... create war. To show people how evil the Lefts are." Seem like, while they Pretend fighting the Deep State while they are actually fighting us?!  Seems like, this Executive Orders against extraordinary threat are only giving them excuse and power to do whatever they wish to us! 

Note: The Cabal was pretending to be Globalists. Now they will play the role of saving us from Globalism, only to conveniently imprison us in our countries, even split us further and further into smaller prison regions. These people are not normal, they are sick, nothing human in them. They cannot be trusted. No wonder Trump is promoting this Wall, like if that's gonna stop the 'trafficking', which they are actually busting even more - again, 'to wake us up,' of course! 

"Stop expecting the governments to change. They are never going to change. We can build a separate system outside of this system, that works for everybody. Without funding and without support from beyond (the fallen angels) and their surveillance networks... they will just become a group of people sitting in the house... I have zero faith in the upper level of military establishment... Eventually they will run out of toys." Kymberly

 Top Elites Dying to be Replaced with New

In the CIG News Report, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, we reported of many top players being taken out, including Rothschilds, Royals etc. They are all being removed one by one, sources say. This is all done systematically under Executive Order 13818. And is now being disclosed officially on the White House Government website (21:03). 

"High ranking global elites will continue dying in unprecedented numbers," according to Mell Gibson. "The old guard Illuminati are being slaughtered like... beasts." According to Gibson they are returning to their Dark Overlord to better support to coming Antichrist.  Video

What is this financial reset all about? They want to hide under a new face. Removing some of their front actors and replacing them with new heroes. Why are they promoting the narrative against "Digital Currency," but promoting "QFS", which It also digital. Let's face it:

"The majority of the gold mined worldwide sits currently in the Bank of England. As the UK is the financial arm of the Synagogue of Satan. The USA is the military arm. All this talk about gold backed crypto currency is insane." Ezra

 Now we are bringing down the Light Side of the System 

Jessie says, "As things have progressed, we are at the end of the battle. And now we are trying to bring down the Light Side of the system, so it's important to get the word out about these affidavits. I'm not the only person who is bringing foreword testimony of the Haynes crimes that are going on in our government, by US presidents, the military, the Vatican. There are a lot of other witnesses and it's a fight for our voices to be heard."

For us the question still stands; Is that war on evil real, or just a cover for their morphing into the new Quantum System of Control? Is humanity finally stepping up to end the spiritual subjugation of the Luciferian inhumane global merciless network of control? What did change in the spirit world to make that possible?

God cannot tolerate that anymore. It has to be seen and revealed. It has to end. As Edgar Cayce predicted

"Soon the spirits of the lower realms will be completely prevented from influencing the earth God cannot wait any longer. We live in the age of CIG. The past has to be liberated quickly. How wonderful is this chance, even though we on earth will still suffer for a while!" Read more...

The Light Side is far more dangerous than the Dark Side

Jessie explains: "The first part was taking down the Dark Side of the System. And once the Dark Side was down and the Light Side stepped into place, now I could go foreword with my testimony against the Light Side System members. So, that's where we are with it."

"The Light Side is far more dangerous than the Dark Side. People find that hard to believe... but the Light Side many of them at the very top really were the cover-upers," she says. They consider themselves 'gods', that they don't have to follow any authority, any accountability. They believe that they run the show, and they are bringing humanity into this utopia, where the real God is out of the picture.

"The truth needs to come out," Jessie concludes. 

Restore our Sovereignty

All people are equal, made in the image of God, and have the right to their life, and their liberty. (Video)

"The Revolution has started. Ged ready for the major changes to take place. This whole world, whole of society is about to change. A major life change. We are gonna make the most epic changes that the world has ever seen." Military Patriot

According to Col. Reccardo Bosi, "This is the beginning of letting go of what you know is true. Buckle up! Do your own research. The shock of the new is gonna be too much."

"This movie has relevance till November 6." Simon Parkes

Probably after that we will start seeing what's behind the movie. The level of disclosure that we have coming, that we are yet to experience in our lifetimes is wild. "We are talking of correcting decades, even centuries of deception," SG said. 

He mentioned the abundance of energy, the healing frequencies and that we stand in front of a period of peace, prosperity and lovingness that has never been possible before. 

"The dismantling of ancient systems of government, education, finance, health and commerce is said to be underway, promising a new era for humanity." WT|P News

Promises, promises! But we want to see actual, substantial good changes. So far all promises of "saving you from the Cabal" are only making our life more and more miserable. But still, what we are trying to see is how God works behind that, despite their manipulations. And we want to see how to fulfill our own portion of responsibility.