This principle is the basic core of the universe

"If there were no God, living on earth would be no fun... You want to see good things... not bad... You want it to move you and inspire you. You also want to hear good things; you do not want to hear bad things. Among all good sounds, you want to hear the best. People want to see, hear, smell and touch the best of everything. What is the best thing of all? It's love. Then who is the owner of love?.. It is God, who created heaven and earth." Sun Myung Moon (1)

The Heavenly Principles and Laws

God created the world through the Word... by instilling the Word with His heart, love, life and lineage. That is why certain principles and laws – the heavenly way – operate consistently in the life of human beings and all things of creation.

These words contain eternal guiding principles for our own lives. Here are Rev. Moon's words (quotes from CSG - The Heavenly Bible) about God's Principles:

"The Principle inevitably engages us in action to fight against that which is not of the Principle. This is the action of the conscience."

"God is the source of what's true; trueness is possible because God exists. When God departs so does trueness. In that void, the origin of evil emerges. True results can only come from truth." 

"What is truth? To man, the greatest truth is woman. To woman, the greatest truth is man. To God, the truth is human beings; to human beings the truth is God. Truth is not found elsewhere."

"How can truth reach perfection? When man and woman become one and, so a couple, unite with God in true love, perfection is attained. There can be no perfection without true love... For man and woman to become one is to perfect God and the universe."

This principle is the basic core of the universe.

From the perspective of the subject-object partner relationship in the Principle, we do not need to prove that God exists. Rather, the position we must establish is that God existed before we had cognition of Him and that He rules over all our senses and over everything to do with us.

Where did God place the ideal starting point of creation? ... He invests Him- self... He placed the starting point of the ideal upon the principle of existing for the sake of others.

What kind of being is God? He is both our Father and Mother. The core is the parents.

God is the ultimate source of truth, goodness, love and life.

Everything about God is connected to the mutual relationship of give and take.

God created the laws that control the elements of the universe, which move and operate under certain principles. In comparison to God’s efforts to create those laws, the investment a scientist makes to discover just one minute aspect of one of them amounts to nothing.

A scholar may say that he has researched this and that, but this is just reporting on the natural formulas and principles created by God – the scholar did not create them.

Does God need power? He does not. Power may be something rank
and file soldiers covet. Who likes power? The devil likes it.

Christianity today emphasizes “God, the all-knowing and the all-powerful Father,” but omniscience and omnipotence work exclusively on the basis of principles. God does not do things arbitrarily or through unprincipled action. The laws established by the eternal God are eternal. He does not arbitrarily change what He has established. The authority and dignity of God, in His obedience to the law, is amazing. God is the first to follow, absolutely, the laws He has established regarding justice and the public good because they are in keeping with heavenly principles. After God, then all people are to follow, and then the universe. There is no alternative direction. Such is the ideal standard of man’s creation.

God cannot do it alone. Today’s Christian ministers may think that the all-knowing and all-powerful God can do things arbitrarily any time with the power of creation. But that is far from the truth. All existing things in heaven and earth operate by laws and principles. Even God cannot break them and act on His own. 


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